Import leases

Skenarios support

Import leases

Leases are subject to property units and it is highly recommended that leases are imported in a separate sheet, where they are tied to a unit by the corresponding ID. Certain headers are mandatory in order to import a lease, but additional details can also be imported by optional headers.

SkenarioLabs Analytics assumes there is maximum one active lease per a unit. If a unit ID and an activation date are imported via Excel so that a lease with corresponding values is already in the database, the existing lease is updated.

Mandatory headers

Column title DescriptionAllowed values
Entity IDSpecifies the property class in a portfolioString
RentMonthly rentNumber
Activation dateStarting date of the leaseDate*
Format: 2019-12-24

* Attempting to import date values if alignment is left it will cause fail. Edit date formatting such that alignment is on the right side.

Optional headers

Column title DescriptionAllowed values
Notice period durationLease notice period in daysInteger
TenantFree description of a tenantString
Lease type**Continuous or fixed term lease contractUntil further notice, Fixed length
Expiration dateExpiration date of a fixed term leaseDate
First possible termination dateFirst possible expiration date of a continuous lease contractDate

Portfolio id

The id of the portfolio where the building should be imported.

If the portfolio id is set Organization key header became mandatory otherwise row will be skipped.

The portfolio id should exist within the organization used as organization key and user should be a part of the organization too otherwise row will be skipped.


Organization key

The key of the organization where the building should be imported.

If the Organization key is set Portfolio id header became mandatory otherwise row will be skipped.

The Organization key should exist as parent/child organization and user should be a part of the organization too otherwise row will be skipped.


**Lease type is assumed to be continuous if lease type is not given.

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