Import Consumption Measurement

Skenarios support

Import Consumption Measurement

Consumption Measurement are subject to property building or group and it is highly recommended that consumptions are imported in a separate sheet, where they are tied to a building or group by the corresponding ID. Certain headers are mandatory in order to import a consumption, but additional details can also be imported by optional headers.

Mandatory headers

Column title DescriptionAllowed values
Entity IDAn entity ID of the corresponding entity type subject to the cunsumptionString

Consumption type

Type of Consumption
  • electricity consumption,
  • heating consumption,
  • cooling consumption,
  • water consumption

Consumption value

Monthly consumption in kWhNumber

Measurement date

Starting date of the leaseDate*
Format: 2019-12-24

* Attempting to import date values if alignment is left it will cause fail. Edit date formatting such that alignment is on the right side.

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