Property building view

Skenarios support

Property building view

Property building view consists of the basic data of the current building, renovation and technical related information such as weather and solar potential, energy consumption and supply, estimated monthly energy demand and potential, etc.

In this view, user can edit basic details of the building, renovation and some of the technical information

Building details

The basic details of property building are: 

Building IDIdentifier for the building. Mandatory field.
Building nameNam of the building. Mandatory field. 
AddressStreet name and number of the building
Postal codeThis is required to initiate the analytic calculations

City name of the building's location

Build yearThe year when the building was built
DescriptionAdditional information about the building
Building typeOriginal purpose of the building
Property groupThe property group that the building belongs. Not editable.
Electric typeType of electric supply to the building
Heating typeType of heating supply to the building
Number of floorsCan be used to calculate the volume of the building.
Gross floor areaArea of each floor in the building. Can be used to calculate the volume of the building.
VolumeCan be used to calculate the heating consumption
Number of lifts
Number of balconies
Number of unitsThe number of known units belonging to the current building

Besides the basic fields, the form has a number of other detail fields. Changing these values affect analytics results and price estimations created by the Skenarios service.

The exact number and type of the fields vary depending on your organisation settings. For more information on the other fields, please contact your organisation administrator.

User can edit the basic details of the building by clicking "Edit" button on the bottom left of the table.

Planned renovations

The table show planned and assumed renovation from the past to the future of the building and visualize the data from five years before and ten years later from the current year by using bar chart.

Use can add, remove or edit renovation following the instruction in Planning property renovations.

Technical data

Technical data consists of the following information:

Property imageImage about the building
Weather & Solar potentialVisualisation of Property location annual weather with temperature and Solar insolation
Building ComponentsBuilding components and part change years based on repairs
Technical state of buildingTechnical condition of the building
Operating DataData about temperature, air and energy in the operating time of the building
Energy consumptionVisualisation of energy consumption
Estimated monthly energy demand and potentialEstimation of monthly energy demand and solar potential of the building
Measured consumptionRecorded heat consumption

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