Skenarios support
Creating a group valuation via API
To find out more about Skenariolabs APIs and authorization please visit Skenarios API documentation
In this example, we will do a group valuation. In the API examples change yourPortfolioId
to the actual numeric portfolio id and change yourTokenHere
to your actual JWT token
To create a group valuation request you need to send a POST request like so:
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer yourTokenHere' \
--data '{
"address":"Tekniikantie 2",
Heating Types that the application accepts:
A condition that the application accepts
A facade material
brick, concrete, timber
Building Types that the application takes:
single-family house
row house
vacation home
The response will include the valuation and accuracy for the group:
most important key/values are -
"groupTotalValue": 5552200.0,
"avgUnitAccuracy": 0.0325,
"groupValuePerM2": 5525.0,
"buildYear": 1964,
"demolitionYear": null,
"electricityId": null,
"heatingId": null,
"eValue": null,
"coolingId": null,
"buildingTypeId": null,
"floors": 4,
"floorArea": 1005,
"volume": null,
"balconies": null,
"units": 30,
"lifts": 2,
"name": null,
"address": "Tekniikantie 2",
"postalCode": "02150",
"city": "Espoo",
"polygonUniqueId": "ud9wkgd9r_1",
"country": null,
"description": null,
"nationalBuildingId": null,
"energyClass": null,
"province": null,
"buildingBlockIdentifier": null,
"lat": 60.180608799999995,
"lon": 24.8218911,
"analyticsLat": null,
"analyticsLon": null,
"grossInternalArea": null,
"netInternalArea": null,
"buildingId": "",
"buildingName": null,
"groupId": "FIEspoo02150Tekniikantie2",
"groupName": null,
"buildingType": "apartment",
"heatingEnergyType": "district",
"electricityEnergyType": null,
"coolingEnergyType": null,
"roofMaterial": null,
"facadeMaterial": "brick",
"useExistingIfAvailable": null,
"addAssumedPastRenovations": true,
"runRenovationsAsync": true,
"analyticsMunicipality": null,
"properties": [],
"measures": [],
"analytics": [],
"majorRenovations": [],
"countryCode": null,
"cadastralId": null,
"externalApplicationId": null,
"lastPipeRenovation": null,
"lastRoofRenovation": null,
"lastFacadeRenovation": null,
"netFloorArea": 1005,
"unitConditionMode": "GOOD",
"groupTotalValue": 5552200.0,
"avgUnitAccuracy": 0.0325,
"groupValuePerM2": 5525.0,
"unitModels": [
"unitName": null,
"unitId": "FIEspoo02150Tekniikantie2-1",
"unitDescription": null,
"unitUsageType": "RESIDENTIAL",
"floor": 1,
"monthlyRent": null,
"capRate": null,
"vacancyRate": null,
"inflationRate": null,
"rentGrowthRate": null,
"opexPerMonth": null,
"usedRent": null,
"discountRate": null,
"floorArea": 42.0,
"externalApplicationId": null,
"identicalUnits": 4,
"analytics": null,
"measures": null,
"properties": [
"propertyId": "NUMBER_OF_ROOMS",
"value": 2,
"parameterDomain": "PROPERTY_UNIT",
"valueType": null
"propertyId": "CONDITION",
"value": "GOOD",
"parameterDomain": "PROPERTY_UNIT",
"valueType": null
"renovations": null,
"energyClass": null,
"eValue": null
"unitName": null,
"unitId": "FIEspoo02150Tekniikantie2-2",
"unitDescription": null,
"unitUsageType": "RESIDENTIAL",
"floor": 2,
"monthlyRent": null,
"capRate": null,
"vacancyRate": null,
"inflationRate": null,
"rentGrowthRate": null,
"opexPerMonth": null,
"usedRent": null,
"discountRate": null,
"floorArea": 42.0,
"externalApplicationId": null,
"identicalUnits": 4,
"analytics": null,
"measures": null,
"properties": [
"propertyId": "NUMBER_OF_ROOMS",
"value": 2,
"parameterDomain": "PROPERTY_UNIT",
"valueType": null
"propertyId": "CONDITION",
"value": "GOOD",
"parameterDomain": "PROPERTY_UNIT",
"valueType": null
"renovations": null,
"energyClass": null,
"eValue": null
"unitName": null,
"unitId": "FIEspoo02150Tekniikantie2-3",
"unitDescription": null,
"unitUsageType": "RESIDENTIAL",
"floor": 3,
"monthlyRent": null,
"capRate": null,
"vacancyRate": null,
"inflationRate": null,
"rentGrowthRate": null,
"opexPerMonth": null,
"usedRent": null,
"discountRate": null,
"floorArea": 42.0,
"externalApplicationId": null,
"identicalUnits": 4,
"analytics": null,
"measures": null,
"properties": [
"propertyId": "NUMBER_OF_ROOMS",
"value": 2,
"parameterDomain": "PROPERTY_UNIT",
"valueType": null
"propertyId": "CONDITION",
"value": "GOOD",
"parameterDomain": "PROPERTY_UNIT",
"valueType": null
"renovations": null,
"energyClass": null,
"eValue": null
"unitName": null,
"unitId": "FIEspoo02150Tekniikantie2-4",
"unitDescription": null,
"unitUsageType": "RESIDENTIAL",
"floor": 4,
"monthlyRent": null,
"capRate": null,
"vacancyRate": null,
"inflationRate": null,
"rentGrowthRate": null,
"opexPerMonth": null,
"usedRent": null,
"discountRate": null,
"floorArea": 42.0,
"externalApplicationId": null,
"identicalUnits": 3,
"analytics": null,
"measures": null,
"properties": [
"propertyId": "NUMBER_OF_ROOMS",
"value": 2,
"parameterDomain": "PROPERTY_UNIT",
"valueType": null
"propertyId": "CONDITION",
"value": "GOOD",
"parameterDomain": "PROPERTY_UNIT",
"valueType": null
"renovations": null,
"energyClass": null,
"eValue": null
"unitName": null,
"unitId": "FIEspoo02150Tekniikantie2-5",
"unitDescription": null,
"unitUsageType": "RESIDENTIAL",
"floor": 1,
"monthlyRent": null,
"capRate": null,
"vacancyRate": null,
"inflationRate": null,
"rentGrowthRate": null,
"opexPerMonth": null,
"usedRent": null,
"discountRate": null,
"floorArea": 25.0,
"externalApplicationId": null,
"identicalUnits": 4,
"analytics": null,
"measures": null,
"properties": [
"propertyId": "NUMBER_OF_ROOMS",
"value": 1,
"parameterDomain": "PROPERTY_UNIT",
"valueType": null
"propertyId": "CONDITION",
"value": "GOOD",
"parameterDomain": "PROPERTY_UNIT",
"valueType": null
"renovations": null,
"energyClass": null,
"eValue": null
"unitName": null,
"unitId": "FIEspoo02150Tekniikantie2-6",
"unitDescription": null,
"unitUsageType": "RESIDENTIAL",
"floor": 2,
"monthlyRent": null,
"capRate": null,
"vacancyRate": null,
"inflationRate": null,
"rentGrowthRate": null,
"opexPerMonth": null,
"usedRent": null,
"discountRate": null,
"floorArea": 25.0,
"externalApplicationId": null,
"identicalUnits": 4,
"analytics": null,
"measures": null,
"properties": [
"propertyId": "NUMBER_OF_ROOMS",
"value": 1,
"parameterDomain": "PROPERTY_UNIT",
"valueType": null
"propertyId": "CONDITION",
"value": "GOOD",
"parameterDomain": "PROPERTY_UNIT",
"valueType": null
"renovations": null,
"energyClass": null,
"eValue": null
"unitName": null,
"unitId": "FIEspoo02150Tekniikantie2-7",
"unitDescription": null,
"unitUsageType": "RESIDENTIAL",
"floor": 3,
"monthlyRent": null,
"capRate": null,
"vacancyRate": null,
"inflationRate": null,
"rentGrowthRate": null,
"opexPerMonth": null,
"usedRent": null,
"discountRate": null,
"floorArea": 25.0,
"externalApplicationId": null,
"identicalUnits": 4,
"analytics": null,
"measures": null,
"properties": [
"propertyId": "NUMBER_OF_ROOMS",
"value": 1,
"parameterDomain": "PROPERTY_UNIT",
"valueType": null
"propertyId": "CONDITION",
"value": "GOOD",
"parameterDomain": "PROPERTY_UNIT",
"valueType": null
"renovations": null,
"energyClass": null,
"eValue": null
"unitName": null,
"unitId": "FIEspoo02150Tekniikantie2-8",
"unitDescription": null,
"unitUsageType": "RESIDENTIAL",
"floor": 4,
"monthlyRent": null,
"capRate": null,
"vacancyRate": null,
"inflationRate": null,
"rentGrowthRate": null,
"opexPerMonth": null,
"usedRent": null,
"discountRate": null,
"floorArea": 25.0,
"externalApplicationId": null,
"identicalUnits": 3,
"analytics": null,
"measures": null,
"properties": [
"propertyId": "NUMBER_OF_ROOMS",
"value": 1,
"parameterDomain": "PROPERTY_UNIT",
"valueType": null
"propertyId": "CONDITION",
"value": "GOOD",
"parameterDomain": "PROPERTY_UNIT",
"valueType": null
"renovations": null,
"energyClass": null,
"eValue": null
"buildingIds": [
"saveResults": false,
"lastSavedTimestamp": null,
"modelVersion": "20230608-000000",
"valuationDate": "2023-05-01"
To save the group valuation you can now send the same request but set “saveResults” flag to true. This will save the building and units within the Skenariolabs application and add more calculations and assumptions such as energy class, energy consumption etc.
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