Creating a group valuation via API

Skenarios support

Creating a group valuation via API

To find out more about Skenariolabs APIs and authorization please visit Skenarios API documentation

In this example, we will do a group valuation. In the API examples change yourPortfolioId to the actual numeric portfolio id and change yourTokenHere to your actual JWT token

  1. To create a group valuation request you need to send a POST request like so:

curl --location 'https://api.skenarios.com/api/v1/portfolio/yourPortfolioId/propertyGroupValuation' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer yourTokenHere' \ --data '{ "address":"Tekniikantie 2", "postalCode":"02150", "city":"Espoo", "buildYear":"1964", "buildingType":"apartment", "lifts":"2", "floors":"4", "units":"30", "netFloorArea":"1005", "unitModels":[ { "unitId":"FIEspoo02150Tekniikantie2-1", "unitUsageType":"RESIDENTIAL", "floor":1, "floorArea":42, "identicalUnits":4, "properties":[ { "propertyId":"NUMBER_OF_ROOMS", "value":2, "parameterDomain":"PROPERTY_UNIT" }, { "propertyId":"CONDITION", "value":"GOOD", "parameterDomain":"PROPERTY_UNIT" } ] }, { "unitId":"FIEspoo02150Tekniikantie2-2", "unitUsageType":"RESIDENTIAL", "floor":2, "floorArea":42, "identicalUnits":4, "properties":[ { "propertyId":"NUMBER_OF_ROOMS", "value":2, "parameterDomain":"PROPERTY_UNIT" }, { "propertyId":"CONDITION", "value":"GOOD", "parameterDomain":"PROPERTY_UNIT" } ] }, { "unitId":"FIEspoo02150Tekniikantie2-3", "unitUsageType":"RESIDENTIAL", "floor":3, "floorArea":42, "identicalUnits":4, "properties":[ { "propertyId":"NUMBER_OF_ROOMS", "value":2, "parameterDomain":"PROPERTY_UNIT" }, { "propertyId":"CONDITION", "value":"GOOD", "parameterDomain":"PROPERTY_UNIT" } ] }, { "unitId":"FIEspoo02150Tekniikantie2-4", "unitUsageType":"RESIDENTIAL", "floor":4, "floorArea":42, "identicalUnits":3, "properties":[ { "propertyId":"NUMBER_OF_ROOMS", "value":2, "parameterDomain":"PROPERTY_UNIT" }, { "propertyId":"CONDITION", "value":"GOOD", "parameterDomain":"PROPERTY_UNIT" } ] }, { "unitId":"FIEspoo02150Tekniikantie2-5", "unitUsageType":"RESIDENTIAL", "floor":1, "floorArea":25, "identicalUnits":4, "properties":[ { "propertyId":"NUMBER_OF_ROOMS", "value":1, "parameterDomain":"PROPERTY_UNIT" }, { "propertyId":"CONDITION", "value":"GOOD", "parameterDomain":"PROPERTY_UNIT" } ] }, { "unitId":"FIEspoo02150Tekniikantie2-6", "unitUsageType":"RESIDENTIAL", "floor":2, "floorArea":25, "identicalUnits":4, "properties":[ { "propertyId":"NUMBER_OF_ROOMS", "value":1, "parameterDomain":"PROPERTY_UNIT" }, { "propertyId":"CONDITION", "value":"GOOD", "parameterDomain":"PROPERTY_UNIT" } ] }, { "unitId":"FIEspoo02150Tekniikantie2-7", "unitUsageType":"RESIDENTIAL", "floor":3, "floorArea":25, "identicalUnits":4, "properties":[ { "propertyId":"NUMBER_OF_ROOMS", "value":1, "parameterDomain":"PROPERTY_UNIT" }, { "propertyId":"CONDITION", "value":"GOOD", "parameterDomain":"PROPERTY_UNIT" } ] }, { "unitId":"FIEspoo02150Tekniikantie2-8", "unitUsageType":"RESIDENTIAL", "floor":4, "floorArea":25, "identicalUnits":3, "properties":[ { "propertyId":"NUMBER_OF_ROOMS", "value":1, "parameterDomain":"PROPERTY_UNIT" }, { "propertyId":"CONDITION", "value":"GOOD", "parameterDomain":"PROPERTY_UNIT" } ] } ], "facadeMaterial":"brick", "heatingEnergyType":"district", "buildingIds":[ 103215918 ], "unitConditionMode":"GOOD", "properties":[ ], "saveResults":false, "groupTotalValue":null, "avgUnitAccuracy":null, "groupValuePerM2":null, "groupId":"FIEspoo02150Tekniikantie2", "buildingId":"" }'

Heating Types that the application accepts:


A condition that the application accepts


A facade material

brick, concrete, timber

Building Types that the application takes:

single-family house
row house
vacation home

The response will include the valuation and accuracy for the group:

most important key/values are -

"groupTotalValue": 5552200.0, "avgUnitAccuracy": 0.0325, "groupValuePerM2": 5525.0,
{ "buildYear": 1964, "demolitionYear": null, "electricityId": null, "heatingId": null, "eValue": null, "coolingId": null, "buildingTypeId": null, "floors": 4, "floorArea": 1005, "volume": null, "balconies": null, "units": 30, "lifts": 2, "name": null, "address": "Tekniikantie 2", "postalCode": "02150", "city": "Espoo", "polygonUniqueId": "ud9wkgd9r_1", "country": null, "description": null, "nationalBuildingId": null, "energyClass": null, "province": null, "buildingBlockIdentifier": null, "lat": 60.180608799999995, "lon": 24.8218911, "analyticsLat": null, "analyticsLon": null, "grossInternalArea": null, "netInternalArea": null, "buildingId": "", "buildingName": null, "groupId": "FIEspoo02150Tekniikantie2", "groupName": null, "buildingType": "apartment", "heatingEnergyType": "district", "electricityEnergyType": null, "coolingEnergyType": null, "roofMaterial": null, "facadeMaterial": "brick", "useExistingIfAvailable": null, "addAssumedPastRenovations": true, "runRenovationsAsync": true, "analyticsMunicipality": null, "properties": [], "measures": [], "analytics": [], "majorRenovations": [], "countryCode": null, "cadastralId": null, "externalApplicationId": null, "lastPipeRenovation": null, "lastRoofRenovation": null, "lastFacadeRenovation": null, "netFloorArea": 1005, "unitConditionMode": "GOOD", "groupTotalValue": 5552200.0, "avgUnitAccuracy": 0.0325, "groupValuePerM2": 5525.0, "unitModels": [ { "unitName": null, "unitId": "FIEspoo02150Tekniikantie2-1", "unitDescription": null, "unitUsageType": "RESIDENTIAL", "floor": 1, "monthlyRent": null, "capRate": null, "vacancyRate": null, "inflationRate": null, "rentGrowthRate": null, "opexPerMonth": null, "usedRent": null, "discountRate": null, "floorArea": 42.0, "externalApplicationId": null, "identicalUnits": 4, "analytics": null, "measures": null, "properties": [ { "propertyId": "NUMBER_OF_ROOMS", "value": 2, "parameterDomain": "PROPERTY_UNIT", "valueType": null }, { "propertyId": "CONDITION", "value": "GOOD", "parameterDomain": "PROPERTY_UNIT", "valueType": null } ], "renovations": null, "energyClass": null, "eValue": null }, { "unitName": null, "unitId": "FIEspoo02150Tekniikantie2-2", "unitDescription": null, "unitUsageType": "RESIDENTIAL", "floor": 2, "monthlyRent": null, "capRate": null, "vacancyRate": null, "inflationRate": null, "rentGrowthRate": null, "opexPerMonth": null, "usedRent": null, "discountRate": null, "floorArea": 42.0, "externalApplicationId": null, "identicalUnits": 4, "analytics": null, "measures": null, "properties": [ { "propertyId": "NUMBER_OF_ROOMS", "value": 2, "parameterDomain": "PROPERTY_UNIT", "valueType": null }, { "propertyId": "CONDITION", "value": "GOOD", "parameterDomain": "PROPERTY_UNIT", "valueType": null } ], "renovations": null, "energyClass": null, "eValue": null }, { "unitName": null, "unitId": "FIEspoo02150Tekniikantie2-3", "unitDescription": null, "unitUsageType": "RESIDENTIAL", "floor": 3, "monthlyRent": null, "capRate": null, "vacancyRate": null, "inflationRate": null, "rentGrowthRate": null, "opexPerMonth": null, "usedRent": null, "discountRate": null, "floorArea": 42.0, "externalApplicationId": null, "identicalUnits": 4, "analytics": null, "measures": null, "properties": [ { "propertyId": "NUMBER_OF_ROOMS", "value": 2, "parameterDomain": "PROPERTY_UNIT", "valueType": null }, { "propertyId": "CONDITION", "value": "GOOD", "parameterDomain": "PROPERTY_UNIT", "valueType": null } ], "renovations": null, "energyClass": null, "eValue": null }, { "unitName": null, "unitId": "FIEspoo02150Tekniikantie2-4", "unitDescription": null, "unitUsageType": "RESIDENTIAL", "floor": 4, "monthlyRent": null, "capRate": null, "vacancyRate": null, "inflationRate": null, "rentGrowthRate": null, "opexPerMonth": null, "usedRent": null, "discountRate": null, "floorArea": 42.0, "externalApplicationId": null, "identicalUnits": 3, "analytics": null, "measures": null, "properties": [ { "propertyId": "NUMBER_OF_ROOMS", "value": 2, "parameterDomain": "PROPERTY_UNIT", "valueType": null }, { "propertyId": "CONDITION", "value": "GOOD", "parameterDomain": "PROPERTY_UNIT", "valueType": null } ], "renovations": null, "energyClass": null, "eValue": null }, { "unitName": null, "unitId": "FIEspoo02150Tekniikantie2-5", "unitDescription": null, "unitUsageType": "RESIDENTIAL", "floor": 1, "monthlyRent": null, "capRate": null, "vacancyRate": null, "inflationRate": null, "rentGrowthRate": null, "opexPerMonth": null, "usedRent": null, "discountRate": null, "floorArea": 25.0, "externalApplicationId": null, "identicalUnits": 4, "analytics": null, "measures": null, "properties": [ { "propertyId": "NUMBER_OF_ROOMS", "value": 1, "parameterDomain": "PROPERTY_UNIT", "valueType": null }, { "propertyId": "CONDITION", "value": "GOOD", "parameterDomain": "PROPERTY_UNIT", "valueType": null } ], "renovations": null, "energyClass": null, "eValue": null }, { "unitName": null, "unitId": "FIEspoo02150Tekniikantie2-6", "unitDescription": null, "unitUsageType": "RESIDENTIAL", "floor": 2, "monthlyRent": null, "capRate": null, "vacancyRate": null, "inflationRate": null, "rentGrowthRate": null, "opexPerMonth": null, "usedRent": null, "discountRate": null, "floorArea": 25.0, "externalApplicationId": null, "identicalUnits": 4, "analytics": null, "measures": null, "properties": [ { "propertyId": "NUMBER_OF_ROOMS", "value": 1, "parameterDomain": "PROPERTY_UNIT", "valueType": null }, { "propertyId": "CONDITION", "value": "GOOD", "parameterDomain": "PROPERTY_UNIT", "valueType": null } ], "renovations": null, "energyClass": null, "eValue": null }, { "unitName": null, "unitId": "FIEspoo02150Tekniikantie2-7", "unitDescription": null, "unitUsageType": "RESIDENTIAL", "floor": 3, "monthlyRent": null, "capRate": null, "vacancyRate": null, "inflationRate": null, "rentGrowthRate": null, "opexPerMonth": null, "usedRent": null, "discountRate": null, "floorArea": 25.0, "externalApplicationId": null, "identicalUnits": 4, "analytics": null, "measures": null, "properties": [ { "propertyId": "NUMBER_OF_ROOMS", "value": 1, "parameterDomain": "PROPERTY_UNIT", "valueType": null }, { "propertyId": "CONDITION", "value": "GOOD", "parameterDomain": "PROPERTY_UNIT", "valueType": null } ], "renovations": null, "energyClass": null, "eValue": null }, { "unitName": null, "unitId": "FIEspoo02150Tekniikantie2-8", "unitDescription": null, "unitUsageType": "RESIDENTIAL", "floor": 4, "monthlyRent": null, "capRate": null, "vacancyRate": null, "inflationRate": null, "rentGrowthRate": null, "opexPerMonth": null, "usedRent": null, "discountRate": null, "floorArea": 25.0, "externalApplicationId": null, "identicalUnits": 3, "analytics": null, "measures": null, "properties": [ { "propertyId": "NUMBER_OF_ROOMS", "value": 1, "parameterDomain": "PROPERTY_UNIT", "valueType": null }, { "propertyId": "CONDITION", "value": "GOOD", "parameterDomain": "PROPERTY_UNIT", "valueType": null } ], "renovations": null, "energyClass": null, "eValue": null } ], "buildingIds": [ 103215918 ], "saveResults": false, "lastSavedTimestamp": null, "modelVersion": "20230608-000000", "valuationDate": "2023-05-01" }

To save the group valuation you can now send the same request but set “saveResults” flag to true. This will save the building and units within the Skenariolabs application and add more calculations and assumptions such as energy class, energy consumption etc.

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